AirePure Air Purifier - Nano Air+



AirePure Air Purifier – Nano Air+


Air filter area 1 sq.m

Innovation to eliminate germs in the air from America with Corona discharge technology Portable air purifier that kills germs
Works like SPACE AIR FO Imported from America

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Working principle: By supplying high voltage electricity in an electric field, it causes corona discharge.

Generates 20 million ions/second

Prevent dust in the air

Helps fight viruses, bacteria, allergens, combined with Ozone technology <0.02PPM. Concentrated but safe to kill germs.

  1. Use Corona Dish Charge technology, which is a technology supported by research. The technology is called Carbon Blush. As far as I can see, there is no research supporting its use in killing germs.
  2. It has the properties of Nano Air Plus, which can release ions at 20 million ions per second. This device is special because it has a negative ion container, which can protect PM 2.5 dust very well and protect all types of viruses floating in the air around us 1-2 meters, as if we were wearing a spaceship helmet. All types of germs, fungi, bacteria and on contact surfaces are effective.
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